Mixin Helper

A library of helper functions to improve code reuse in mixins.




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Checks if a Finale object is an instance of a class or classes. This function examines the full class hierarchy, so parent classes are also supported.

Table of Matching Conditions:

|            | FC  Class | FCM Class | FCX Class |
| FC  Object |     O     |     X     |     X     |
| FCM Object |     O     |     O     |     X     |
| FCX Object |     X     |     O     |     O     |

Key: O = match, X = no match


  • Parent cannot be instance of child class.
  • FC object cannot be an instance of an FCM or FCX class.
  • FCM object can be an instance of an FC class but cannot be an instance of an FCX class.
  • FCX object can be an instance of an FCM class but cannot be an instance of an FC class.

NOTE: The break points are due to differences in backwards compatibility between FCM and FCX mixins.

@ … (string) Class names (as many as needed). Can be an FC, FCM, or FCX class name. Can also be the name of a parent class.

Input Type Description
object __FCBase Any finale object, including mixin enabled objects.
Return type Description


mixin_helper.assert_argument_type(argument_number, value)

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Asserts that an argument to a mixin method is the expected type(s). This should only be used within mixin methods as the function name will be inserted automatically.

If not a valid type, will throw a bad argument error at the level above where this function is called.

The followimg types can be specified:

  • Standard Lua types (string, number, boolean, table, function, nil, etc),
  • Number types (integer or float).
  • Finale classes, including parent classes (eg FCString, FCMeasure, etc).
  • Mixin classes, including parent classes (eg FCMString, FCMMeasure, etc).

For details about what types a Finale object will satisfy, see mixin_helper.is_instance_of.

NOTE: This function will only assert if in debug mode (ie finenv.DebugEnabled == true). If assertions are always required, use force_assert_argument_type instead.

start with a number that is the real argument number. @ … (string) Valid types (as many as needed). Can be standard Lua types, Finale class names, or mixin class names.

Input Type Description
argument_number `number string`
value any The value to test.


mixin_helper.force_assert_argument_type(argument_number, value)

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The same as assert_argument_type except this function always asserts, regardless of whether debug mode is enabled.

@ … (string) Valid types (as many as needed). Can be standard Lua types, Finale class names, or mixin class names.

Input Type Description
argument_number number The REAL argument number for the error message (self counts as argument #1).
value any The value to test.


mixin_helper.assert_table_argument_type(argument_number, table_value)

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For mixin methods that accept a table of values as an argument, this function will validate the types of the values within the table. It is assumed that the table itself has already been validated with assert_argument_type. If a table is not passed, an error will be thrown.

As the key n has special meaning in Lua, if it is present and a number, it will be ignored.

NOTE: This function will only assert if in debug mode (ie finenv.DebugEnabled == true). If assertions are always required, use force_assert_table_argument_type instead.

@ … (string) Valid types (as many as needed). Can be standard Lua types, Finale class names, or mixin class names.

Input Type Description
argument_number number The REAL argument number for the error message (self counts as argument #1).
table_value table A table of values to test.


mixin_helper.force_assert_table_argument_type(argument_number, table_value)

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The same as assert_table_argument_type except this function always asserts, regardless of whether debug mode is enabled.

@ … (string) Valid types (as many as needed). Can be standard Lua types, Finale class names, or mixin class names.

Input Type Description
argument_number number The REAL argument number for the error message (self counts as argument #1).
table_value table A table of values to test.


mixin_helper.assert(condition, message, level)

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Asserts a condition in a mixin method. If the condition is false, an error is thrown one level above where this function is called.

NOTE: This function will only assert if in debug mode (ie finenv.DebugEnabled == true). If assertions are always required, use force_assert instead.

Input Type Description
condition any Can be any value or expression. If a function, it will be called (with zero arguments) and the result will be tested.
message string The error message.
level (optional) number Optional level to throw the error message at (default is 2).


mixin_helper.force_assert(condition, message, level)

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The same as assert except this function always asserts, regardless of whether debug mode is enabled.

Input Type Description
condition any Can be any value or expression.
message string The error message.
level (optional) number Optional level to throw the error message at (default is 2).



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A helper function for creating a standard control event. standard refers to the Handle* methods from FCCustomLuaWindow (not including HandleControlEvent). For example usage, refer to the source for the FCMControl mixin.

Input Type Description
name string The full event name (eg. HandleCommand, HandleUpDownPressed, etc)
Return type Description
function Returns two functions: a function for adding handlers and a function for removing handlers.



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Helper function for creating a custom event for a control. Custom events are bootstrapped to InitWindow and HandleCommand, in addition be being able to be triggered manually. For example usage, refer to the source for the FCMCtrlPopup mixin.

Parameters: This function accepts as multiple arguments, a table for each parameter that will be passed to event handlers. Each table should have the following properties:

  • name: The name of the parameter.
  • get: The function or the string name of a control method to get the current value of the parameter. It should accept one argument which is the control itself. (eg mixin.FCMControl.GetText or "GetSelectedItem_")
  • initial: The initial value of the parameter (ie before the window has been created)

This function returns 4 values which are all functions:

  1. Public method for adding a handler.
  2. Public method for removing a handler.
  3. Private static function for triggering the event on a control. Accepts one argument which is the control.
  4. Private static function for iterating over the sets of last values to enable modification if needed. Each iteration returns a table with event handler paramater names and values.

@ … (table)



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Creates a custom change event for a window class. For details, see the documentation for create_custom_control_change_event, which works in exactly the same way as this function except for controls.

@ … (table)


mixin_helper.to_fcstring(value, fcstr)

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Casts a value to an FCString object. If the value is already an FCString, it will be returned.

Input Type Description
value any
fcstr (optional) FCString An optional FCString object to populate to skip creating a new object.
Return type Description



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Casts a value to a Lua string. If the value is an FCString, it returns LuaString, otherwise it calls tostring.

Input Type Description
value any
Return type Description


mixin_helper.boolean_to_error(object, method)

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There are many PDK methods that return a boolean value to indicate success / failure instead of throwing an error. This function captures that result and throws an error in case of failure.

@ […] (any) Any arguments to pass to the method.

Input Type Description
object __FCMBase Any FCM or FCX object.
method string The name of the method to call (no trailing underscore, it will be added automatically).


mixin_helper.create_localized_proxy(method_name, class_name, only_localize_args)

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Creates a proxy method that takes localization keys instead of raw strings.

Input Type Description
method_name string
class_name `string nil`
only_localize_args `table nil`
Return type Description



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Creates a proxy method that takes multiple string arguments.

Input Type Description
method_name string An instance method on the class that accepts a single Lua string, FCString, or number
Return type Description